
Laura is 6!


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Happy Birthday Happy Birthday Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday Laura

On July 22, 2006, Laura had her birthday party at the Jungle. Her real birthday is July 19. We checked in at 12:30 pm. She invited 10 of her best friends to the party. They explored the Jungle Safari. It was over 100 degrees F outside and pretty steaming in the jungle, too. At 1:30 pm we ate pizza and cake. Our special guests were Spencer, Juli, Claudia, Diana, Elena, Thao, Emily, Kira, Ingrid, Grace.

Spencer was the only boy and we enjoyed having him. Even though Laura does not see Claudia very often, she is still a good friend, and Laura loved seeing her.

Grace and other kids used their tokens to win prizes. In the photo, Grace and her Mom are smiling at the length of the tickets.

Ingrid and Emily were dressed in cute matching clothes. We had not seen them for a long time and were glad to see them again! Best wishes for your moving!

Juli got the most tickets, and she seemed to know everything about the Jungle. Elena and Diane are best friends and they explored together. Kira and Spencer rode with us to the Jungel at 12:00 p.m. and came back to the house at 3:30 pm. They were the most boisterous and enthusiastic participants at the party.

Your Gifts and Love

With the help of Spencer and Kira, Laura opened her gifts at home. Laura enjoyed each and every gift. Thank you especially for your companionship. Thank YOU all!

Birthday Happy Birthday Birthday Happy Birthday