

今年十二月 我們有新的計畫那就是搬到公寓 把房子出粗


Laura and her two cousins {表哥}

{Laura is learning drumming with her cousin.}

{Laura's aunt and cousin. }

Taichung Mid-Taiwan {台中之旅}

Castles in Taiwan?

My Dad

今天去台中玩 去個像歐洲中古莊園和一個Coffee Shop


剪影 Laura's special days

Laura and her cousin.

Laura is 7!

Neighbor's grand daughter


Spicy is the name {妹妹的餐廳}

This is a restaurant owned by my sister, Sumay. Mainly it is an Italian restaurant, selling pasta. It was open in early 2007.
This is Sumay, the owner.
The Muras were painted by my niece and her friends.
This is my daughter Laura who is enjoying a dish at the restaurant.
My other sister's daughter is working at the reataurant.

July 21

My brother and his family accompanied us to many interesting sites in Taiwan.

My brother and his wife.

Crafts-making at national park.

Flower farm

My older sister.

An old house

Rice patty is being harvested.